Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well, that's my time. About a 4/mph pace overall. If any of you "fit" peeps have better times, I challenge you to run it with a hundred pound pack on your back! :)

I didn't die - I'll probably do it again. I already have a request from a friend to run with him in August (holy cow it'll be hot!).

I'm sure there are lots of good interesting thoughts to say about the experience.... but I'm too tired to think of them right now.

I found this lady and her daughter (girl looked to be about 12 or 13) to kinda pace with. I just tried to keep up with them. Both my calves locked up pretty good on the last 200 m - especially going up-hill! - so I couldn't get by them, but I did ok.

From now on - everywhere "I was run-ing"! (Forrest Gump)


  1. Good Job Boss!!! I couldn't run a 5K right now. I would have to train and lose some lbs. Proud that you did it and can now reflect on it. Keep it going!!!

  2. Greg, you are the man! I'm so proud of you bro. You persevered through the injuries and the self-doubt. You did it!!! You should be pleased. You accomplished a major goal. I know you still have more goals ahead, but make sure you enjoy this one. God bless you. I'm so happy for you. I hope it gives you a glimps of the discipline we need to experience 2 Timothy 4:7-8. What a great birthday it must be.
