Monday, June 22, 2009

What's Missing Here?

Have you ever been somewhere that you’ve been before and noticed there was something missing? You might not even be able to put your finger on what it is, but something is amiss.

On a recent trip to Memphis, Tennessee, I was enjoying some down-time visiting some of my favorite tourist spots downtown. As I walked from one shop or restaurant to another, something seemed out-of-place or missing. Soon, I realized that though I’d been there for nearly an hour, I had not seen one homeless person or been approached by one pan-handler.

“How strange,” I thought.

The tourist trap is usually a-buzz with men who will help you find a parking spot – for a small donation. Gone was the guy who will tell you a joke and then ask for money. There were a few of the “acceptable” type of “street workers” in Memphis – people playing some blues on the street corner with an open instrument case collecting change from music enthusiasts. But there were no homeless – no street people.

As I rounded the corner, I was again reminded of why the crowds were there that weekend. It was the weekend that a portion of the men’s college basketball tournament was being hosted in Memphis. The city was extra spiffy, extra friendly – and no one that anyone might consider a “bum” was in sight. Jokingly, I asked a local friend of mine if they’d rounded up all the pan-handlers and homeless people during the tournament time.

His answer? “That’s exactly what they did!”

Homeless people that couldn’t find places in local shelters were given a few nights stay in the county lock-up. Other folks that might be considered free-loaders were moved out of the downtown radius so that the city would look nice for its thousands of visitors.

I don’t know how I feel about that. I don’t know if that’s good, bad, or indifferent. But I will say this: most of us spend a lot of time, effort – and even money – trying to cover up or look away from problems. Most of the time, we look away from, or are blind to, the problems of our community and the plight of our neighbors. We feel better and life seems more enjoyable to us if we are not “bothered” with other folks problems and needs.

I was challenged this past week by a pastor friend of mine to fast and pray for a new awakening and revival in the community of Marshfield. He challenged me and some other pastors to fast and pray on Tuesdays for the people of our community. I think it is something that all of us in God’s church here in Marshfield need to do.

Pray every Tuesday with me that God will open our eyes to the spiritual & physical needs of our community, and then that God will begin to awaken and revive us, His people, to minister to those needs. God notices and loves all of us. Let’s get that same perspective.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well, that's my time. About a 4/mph pace overall. If any of you "fit" peeps have better times, I challenge you to run it with a hundred pound pack on your back! :)

I didn't die - I'll probably do it again. I already have a request from a friend to run with him in August (holy cow it'll be hot!).

I'm sure there are lots of good interesting thoughts to say about the experience.... but I'm too tired to think of them right now.

I found this lady and her daughter (girl looked to be about 12 or 13) to kinda pace with. I just tried to keep up with them. Both my calves locked up pretty good on the last 200 m - especially going up-hill! - so I couldn't get by them, but I did ok.

From now on - everywhere "I was run-ing"! (Forrest Gump)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3 Days to Race Day!

WOW! It's been too long since I've updated you on my progress. I have been really discouraged about getting ready for this thing.

As you know, I had a bout with tendonitis - got over that. Then last week, while finally attempting to up my speed again, I pulled my lower right calf. Ugh! And yes, Dr. - I had S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D before-hand! So, I was back to slowing down.

Did lost of continual stretching, dancing a couple of nights last week actually helped losen it up. Then today - "twang". Ouch. I got further, but still... Ugh!

Well, on the upside... I have lost more weight. Down to 309. Want desparately to get under that 300 mark now. But - well, not desparate enough to try REAL hard! :) Actually though, I'm getting motivated again. I've been comfortable with my "new" body long enough and now the "new" one doesn't look good anymore. So it's time to change some more.

Also, being as my 40th birthday is Saturday, I splurged and got a pretty nice gift. I got an itouch and I totally love it. But the thing that pushed me over on it was the Nike+ app. I was wondering how I could pace myself in the race Saturday. The Nike sensor - which straps to your shoe (unless you buy the fancy Nikes that you put the sensor IN) - wirelessly transmits your running data to the itouch. A voice comes on - while the music is going - to tell you how far, fast, etc, etc, you've run. That's what I need to help me pace Saturday. You can then download the workout info to your Nike+ profile page and keep track of your progress. I think it will be fun enough to motivate me to more road work in the future. There are challenges you can be a part of in the Nike+ online community too.

So, tomorrow? More workout. Friday - excercise walking around Silver Dollar City all day and dancing that night. Then the big day!

Pray for me now, hear?