Monday, February 2, 2009

Well, guess what friends? We’re going to have six more weeks of winter. It’s a guarantee! Punxsutawney Phil, that “Seer of Seers” - “Prognosticator of Prognosticators”, came out of his hole this week and saw his shadow. When you have a fuzzy rodent calling the weather, you can’t go wrong. Wouldn’t it be great if there were other rodents that could tell the future?

What if a big rat that could tell me who is going to win the World Series, or at least tell me when the Royals will next have a winning year? It would be great to have a squirrel to forecast the stock market. I’d like to have a chinchilla that could tell me how much longer record companies will let Bob Dylan attempt to sing. That’d be great. I’m just wondering if we are really utilizing the rodent population the way we should.

All kidding aside, the only accurate predictor of the future, at least for our own lives, are the choices we make today. As someone once said, “The height of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.” We make the New Year’s resolution to lose weight, eat like crazy (again – like last year) at the Super Bowl Party and wonder why we don’t lose weight. We keep spending like there is no tomorrow and wonder why we continue to have financial trouble. We treat people the same way we always have and wonder why they treat us the same.

If we change our present habits, we can almost guarantee a change in our future circumstances. We only need direction on which things to change and how to make those changes.

Right now, at Son-Rise, we are considering our personal finances, our spending habits, and what God says in the scripture about money. Judging by comments folks have left me, I think there are some people that have great financial futures ahead of them based on choices they are making today.

What are some of the things you need to change today for a different tomorrow. I know I have stuff to do differently!

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